22 June 2011, 1117, Wednesday, Home Patch
It is raining!!!! We have needed this badly for quite some time and it started up yesterday and his been raining off and on since then. We are breathing a sigh of relief around here as they are in most of the state. We have a long way to go to fill the tanks back up, but the grass will start to grow again. That’s the critical point.
We cut and baled hay last Saturday. We got 24 rolls, which is much better than what we expected during such a drought. We also managed to get all the hay moved to our hay storage area. If you remember, putting out hay directly from the hayfield was a real hassle. Getting the hay out of the hay field and into the storage area during the summer will be a great time saver and be a lot easier on the roads.
Cow #7 has been getting into our neighbor’s pasture pretty consistently. I took our preacher last Tuesday and began doing some patchwork on the fence. I thought we may have gotten the most of it, but the cow was spotted again. I’ll probably get back to it tomorrow. Today, since it is raining, it will be an admin day.
Not much else to report. We are just rejoicing in the rain. Thank you, God for the rain. I made an interesting discovery. It is very easy to try equate God’s provision with our immediate needs. We think God is providing for us when we get money or rain, or whatever. So, we pray to God for money. We pray to God for rain. I believe in praying specifically, but the danger in doing that is that we lose sight of what we need. My devotional referenced 2nd Kings (or maybe 1st) 17. It was the story of Elijah staying with the widow woman during Israel’s drought. God provided, but he did not let it rain on her. The last bit of oil and flour she had kept stretching, but it didn’t rain. It had to become clear to her that God was providing for her directly, but he didn’t let it rain. There was no mistaking God honored her for honoring Him, but he didn’t let it rain. We look to God for rain, but he often gives us something else that we need more, the chance to trust Him.
Now that it is raining, we are soaking it up. We are so thankful, but that doesn’t mean God loves us. He loves us anyway. Any pagan can pray for rain and get his prayers answered eventually. The pantheon of ancient gods always had a god of rain. Our God is the god of everything. He is also a father to us. Eager to take care of us in a way that demonstrates it is Him that is doing it, not a random collection of water vapor reaching the saturation point.
So, thank you, God, for the rain. Thank you so much more for taking care of us when it is dry.