Pretty tired today. I’ve had some trouble sleeping and I’m not sure why. I think I kind of messed up my schedule last week during Vacation Bible School and haven’t quite got back on track yet. The heat may have something to do with it as well. Yesterday, we did some clean up work in the Orchard behind Grandmother’s house. One of us was on the tractor, while the other did pick up. I cannot seem to get a chainsaw to work with any consistency. It has always been like this. I can get one to run for a day or half a day and then it will quit and I can no longer get it started. The best luck I’ve had recently is with Dad’s and it’s a Stihl, which are great, but I used it for about a day and a half and now I can’t get it to keep running. So, I cut some of the smaller stuff down with a hackknife and hauled junk around by hand. Pretty exhausting. There is more to do, but we are getting ahead of it.
Tomorrow, I need to shore up some of the fences for the horse pasture. A reenactor friend is moving out of state and I am taking care of his horse until he can find a place to put his. I doubt his horse will run off, but it’s good to be on the safe side. Our horses have no reason to press the fences, they are getting fed and are happy, but when you change the dynamic it makes you wonder.
Rebel is still not right in his back. That is another thing that I will try tomorrow. The vet came out on Tuesday and we poked, prodded, tried to ride, and observed, but he couldn’t come up with a reason for his issues. I gave him some bute today and will do so tomorrow and try to ride him gently to see how he does. Bute is like horse ibuprofen. People use advil to get through the pain while healing up. I will try to give him a chance to heal up gradually. If not, then I will take him back to the vet and try some additional diagnostic steps. I can’t help but worry about him a little bit.
I think we finally have all of our calves identified. At least all the ones that are tagged, which is only about half of what we have. The prices right now are really good, so I need to identify which ones might be good for sale and try to identify them somehow or just get them tagged like the rest of them.