We expanded our tiny little backyard area for the puppies on Saturday. Now, it is the actual size of a backyard. I hate to admit it, but my wife might be right about something. She proposed the theory that the puppies would be more inclined to use the bathroom outside if they had more room. I contended that it would not make a difference. So far, we have not had the problem that we had before. I am happy to be wrong on this one.
While I was working on the fence, Anna was pulling up all the poison ivy that had rooted in the backyard. Our special soap usually works pretty good and I think it is working on her, but my brief encounter with it on Saturday is not going well. Anyway, I am pretty convinced that alcohol and vitamin C work pretty good. The bad rash on my arm is drying up relatively quickly.
There is a reenactment coming up soon and I have yet to test Rebel. His back was still bothering him a couple of weeks ago, even though I rode him a few weeks before that and he was fine. I will try to ride him this morning. That way if he doesn’t do well, I still have time to call the vet. What’s weird is that I can’t seem to find a sore spot. Maybe he is faking it.
A couple of days ago, I was getting ready to take a shower and Anna was in the soon to be expanded backyard. I heard her yell my name out. I hollered back, letting her know my condition, then she returned something about a snake. I threw on some shorts and tried to decide what I had that would make a good snake weapon. A gun is not the best thing to kill a snake with, unless it is a shotgun. I got into a pistol battle with a tiny moccasin once and expended a great deal of ammo. They are just a really small target. Plus, you have to deal with the ringing in your ears and cleaning your weapon. The hackknife was in the Gator, which was down the road in the red barn. Then I realized I had the perfect weapon. I grabbed my 1860 Light Cavalry Saber and headed to the backyard. Anna was leaned over with a long stick, pinning the intruder to the ground. It was a moccasin all right; small, but decidedly unwelcome. My trusty saber made short work of him. Anna did a great job and it illustrates the importance of being married on the frontier and snake killing etiquette. It’s always better to have two people when encountering a snake. You need one person to get the weapon and the other to keep an eye on (or in this case, trap) the animal. It is unsettling to be alone, go back in the house to get a weapon and then find that it is gone.
So, I will get to brag to my reenactor buddies that my saber has actually dispatched an invading enemy.
Good to know! Maybe that sword my husband had to buy at the Renaissance Festival will come in handy after all.