Me and Scout

Me and Scout

02 October 2010

02 October 2010, 2306, Saturday, Home Patch

Up around 0700 and over to the white house (Grandmother’s) for breakfast.  Nathan, Duncan, and I started on replacing the door to Grandmother’s laundry room when the AC guy pulled up.  The condenser outside was not deactivating when the compressor went off.  It turns out it was just our install of the new thermostat.  However, we discovered that the heating elements need to be replaced.  It will cost some money to order them, but I will do it myself, which will save some money.
After dinner, we ended up taking an extended nap.  Nathan and Duncan came over after their nap and we went to hook up the mower to the tractor.  The plan was that they would go mow a path from the old hay field to the new hay field so the guy that is helping Dad do hay would know where to go.  In any event, by the time we got the mower hooked up, it was too late to do anything else, so they came back and mowed around the brush pile in the front.  Nathan did a good job, mowing up to the front of the house, so we have kind of a yard.  I repaired the crossover ducting that had been damaged by Tye.  I decided not to fence it off since it was so easy to fix.
I pulled some bigger brush and logs over to our burn pile while Nathan bunched it up nicely.  We will burn tomorrow.  After supper everyone came over to our place for games.  It was a nice night.

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