Me and Scout

Me and Scout

12 October 2010

11 October 2010, 0743, Monday, Home Patch

Thursday, I did not do much other than get organized and catch up on email.  Friday, Anna and I spent packing.  We did not get done, but accomplished a lot.  We called it quits around 2300 after a trip to Walmart for boxes.  We needed to be some rested when the big day came.
We got up early on Saturday, started packing, and then went to pick up the truck.  We had great help during the day from Melissa, Tim, Scott and Steven.  We got word that there was to be a showing at 1530.  So, we started scrambling in the afternoon to make things at least slightly presentable.  Most of our stuff got packed, loaded, and moved.  We arrived around 1730 on Saturday, and proceeded to unload.  Tim and Melissa came with us and we are very thankful for their help.  Grandmother came over and the women began unloading, and I mean unloading.  They didn’t shy away from anything heavy, other than the fridge.  The reason they did this is because Tim and I were busy working on the septic system.  We finally got it hooked up around 2040 and then proceeded to unload the rest of the stuff.  We cleared paths for us to get to the bathroom, (which worked!) and then went to bed.
We got up pretty early the next day and had a lot of frustration.  I won’t go into all of it, but many of the things I tried to do just wouldn’t do.  We had three showings in two days, and none of those worked out.  I spent three hours on fixing the ice dispenser on the refrigerator door and still could not hook it up.  We tried to build the shed and did not have all of the pieces.  It was a rough day.  However, we did our best to make the most of it.  Melissa had left that morning.  Anna made a fantastic breakfast on the new stove.  Okay, that’s one thing that went pretty trouble free, that is, installing the stove.  It occurs to me, that when you have some frustration you (or rather, I) tend to forget about what has gone right.  In any event, we went to town to turn in our moving truck and had a nice dinner with Tim, who decided to stay another night, because he loves to be worked like a Roman galley slave.
The important thing is that we are in!  We have our stuff in Batson, we are living, cooking, working out of (some), and going to the bathroom in our new home.  The place in Clear Lake now is just a financial responsibility to bear.  Soon it will be a memory.  My memories of it will be good.  My first house.  The place where I had my own dedicated library.  The place where I brought home my bride.  It was a nice house and Anna made it even nicer.  I’ll remember it fondly, and while we live in a mobile home, I may even miss it some, but for now, I JUST WANT TO SELL IT!!!

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